Site icon Kadie Major Death Investigation

Kadie Major Part 13

Im going to summarize the “Suicide Ruling” paper trail.

January 22nd, 2008.

The Coroner report dated 1/22/08 has Kadie’s death ruled suicide by Coroner Bill Salisbury.
Now this is the day after the funeral.

No toxicology completed. The lab didn’t even receive the blood samples until 1/23/08 Autopsy report wasn’t signed until February 11th.

I also question what kind of toxicology was requested to be done. Normally toxicology takes 6 weeks. This toxicology was done in about 11 days. The Coroner’s office received results on February 4th. But it was already ruled a suicide and death certificate ordered by Coroner on January 28th.

So let me put this in the order things were done.

January 17th. Kadie (pregnant) and River Lynn found deceased.

January 18th. Coroner Salisbury with then Captain Ric Ollic present, announce, they believe it is a suicide that Kadie had post pardem depression.

January 21st. Funeral

January 22nd. Coroner rules Kadie’s death a suicide. “Doesn’t say pending”

January 23rd. Lab receives Kadie’s blood sample for toxicology. (NO TOXICOLOGY done for River Lynn) that i was ever told or shown.

January 25th (approximately). Aaron the husband is called in for what I believe is a half hearted interrogation. Maybe just to have it on record?

January 28th Death certificate ordered by Coroner to state as a suicide.

February 1st. (Approx.) Sheriff Department calls me in and I was told by Detective Jerry Merrithew that Kadie’s death was ruled a suicide. “Shocked” is hardly the word.

February 4th Toxicology report faxed to Coroner’s office. Toxicology negative.

February 11th Kadie’s autopsy report is signed by MUSC pathologist Kim Collins.

So to me every thing is done in the exact opposite order.

So who knew who? Was this just lazy police work? Captain Ric Ollic and Coroner Salisbury are very close. Ollic calls Salisbury his mentor in an newspaper article.

The proof is right here that something is totally wrong with this investigation!

I totally believe there needs to be a SLED investigation into this matter.

I believe now retired Coroner Bill Salisbury and now Chief of Police Ric Ollic need to explain this to their accountability authorities over them. The State Law Enforcement Division.

I believe many questions need to asked? Why was Aaron calling the Coroner and the Captain by their first names. Ric and Bill. Like he knew them or was communicating with someone who knew them who maybe said, let me give Bill and Ric a call. We certainly weren’t calling these officials by their first names.

Thank you again for your prayers and support on this journey for truth and justice for #kadieandherbabies God bless

Next I will write about the lies in the paper trail.

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